India as the Centre of Innovative outsourcing

India is the place where there is large number of young and energetic potential available. This has made India a perfect country for all the business parties to outsource their job responsibilities here. India is already having its footprints in handling of business process and outsourcing activities. With time it is going in the way… Continue reading India as the Centre of Innovative outsourcing

Online marketing

Internet is one of the fastest growing entities and since it has been deep rooted within such a short period internet marketing has also established its roots. Online marketing is marketing of your products over internet since, internet reaches millions and millions of people within seconds online marketing is one of the popular and best… Continue reading Online marketing

5 Important tips for Reliable Transcription Service Outsourcing

Round the clock, accurate, and affordable services are the vital element that every client look in for his transcription service provider.  But sometimes  poor quality transcription service, or late project delivery would result in huge loss. So it is   vital to narrow down your search, and find the best outsourcing partner for you. But the… Continue reading 5 Important tips for Reliable Transcription Service Outsourcing


7. Effective ways for making best GUI for an application Have you noticed something whenever you start using an application then what’s the first thing that makes you to have easy usability? Yes you are right it’s GUI. Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes interaction very easy and friendly too. While creating an application few points… Continue reading GUI

Data Conversion

Every company wishes to emerge as a global leader for which better data conversion marks an important role. Questions strike to our mind. What data conversion is? For what and whom we should outsource data conversion? Data conversion refers to converting data in one form to some other format by computer. This  has become need… Continue reading Data Conversion